Majja Ni Life
-by Bindi Sheth
Majja Ni Life
‘One does not need to see a Gara or a Sadra or a red bangle to know if the person is a Parsi. Their language, humor, frankness, warmth and inability to speak Hindi when angry sets them apart from the rest.
Most Parsis I have known are ardent nature lovers. Their love for junno (‘old’ in Gujarati) is well known. They are famous for taking great care of their things, so one will often find a lot of well-preserved heirloom furniture and crockery in great condition in their homes. They are almost better than new.
I was welcomed into each Parsi home with smiles and laughter, and of course the wagging tails of their beloved pet dogs. I once met a dog in a Parsi home that is lovingly hand-fed every day by its mistress. I guess this sums up the Parsi love for animals, and for life. All the homes I visited were tension-free, relaxed and full of joy. It reminded me of an old Parsi motto that rang true – ‘Carrom ramvanu, juice peevanu, majja ni life.’
Kabu (Jhini Khambatta) Her grandkids call her Kabu because she used to show them pigeons from the balcony when they were little.
Rustom Marshall A Senior Advocate by profession and a grandfather at home.
Porous & Seema’s Home The old and the new.
Mehta house
Tina Mehta An avid gardener, she spends four hours in the garden.
Meher Rashid Medora Armed with a never say die attitude, her doer approach has found her involved in several social causes.
Nishmin Marshall A counsellor with a passion for painting, she started counselling after her kids had flown the nest.
Meher Rashid Medora with her grandkids.
Image credit – Bindi Sheth